Wednesday, 4 May 2022

the boy who lost himself (Chapter 4)

Amma, I rather not come home, I would say
I would  find my personal jailor coming to fetch
She would walk me home gently in a stern voice
While her nails gently dug through my flesh

Ah such a bonding, I have never felt so close
There never has been a day, when I have felt otherwise
My days would begin with a gentle print of her palm
Waking me to witness the sun, gifted by her slaps

I miss those days, my fear was such a friend
It would keep me constant company, all through out the week
Weekends were the best times, I could be taught a thing or two
From bamboo sticks to painted nails they have scraped through my skin

I was told, that I was wished, by a little girl in pain
She wanted a little brother, who could help her be at ease
The universe has always been kind, it has always been so nice
It had started my journey, to be the world's relief

I am happy, that somewhere in my teens
My heart had died, it's slow and painful death
Now I look at me and wonder why and often
This body remaind with breath

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