Thursday, 19 May 2022

I hate falling asleep, now more than ever

When I lay in my bed half awake, you had just stepped away
I could smell the smoke in the air, as you sat outside the room
I smelt and felt the folds in the sheets, they felt like you
They held your essence like my heart has, being half asleep has advantages

When you called out to me, My eyes opened wider like the sea at high tide
I would not have awakened fully, if it hadn't been for your voice calling
I have never been fully awake or alive, I always pretended to be though
Your calling out to me as Mr curls, good hair begets good nicknames

When you and I walked the beach, watching the sea lash back and forth 
I could feel you around my arm, I felt like an orchid sitting pretty 
Men maybe shouldn't feel like orchids, women should maybe, this time I wasn't the tree
You walked along carrying my heart, erasing my years of longing 

When these days came to an abrupt end, I sat bewildered just like you 
I put my arms around you as you and I fell asleep
But now between us there were a few hundred miles 
Those miles seem like shards piercing my arms, as I drift a bus

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