I always have to hear you, especially when I end up twisting my ankle, wrist, or knee
It hurts terribly you see, but somehow talking to you makes it fade
I can fall into the gentle mist of your voice in my ears and float endlessly
The pain seems to just leave me be for the moment I see or hear you
It does return once we hang up and get back to doing the things we need
Today was another day of such random pain, as I woke up this Sunday morning
I wanted to clean up the room, knowing me, you know how rigorous I get
Cleaning any and everything in sight, in utter disarray and quite disorganised
I slipped and twisted my hurting knee, yes I had twisted it last week dreaming
We were running amongst the thickets in that dream, chasing you in my beautiful sleep
I woke to realise I was thrashing my feet, not unlike me to do exactly what I believe
I cleaned the room in a lot of pain, oft trying to catch a glimpse of you, or hear a quick calling
You were caught up I think, I expect too much of your presence around me
I bore my pain, I know I could have let you know of the same but I let it be
I rather not keep you away from what your calling is, at times better than we
I have rested and tested my knee, and it seems I have been lucky not to break it
So I will have you know, I applied some balm and mom massaged my knee a bit
Thank you, mom
Oh and just so you know, I was hoping and wishing for a glimpse, if I forgot to tell you
Maybe I find myself calmer when I am reflected in your eyes
Why! this morning, mom mentioned metal mirrors and wanting to get one
She said it reflects authentic images, unlike those glass-silvered ones
Your eyes are the mirror, I told her, yours and her's I am sure
Both seem to remind me I can breathe in ease, loving both of you forever
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