How can I even forget about sunflowers?
They bloom behind my eyelids in every blink
They are the essence of reason for my wake
How can I forget how those petals soothe?
My heart, that has been in storms of rage
Each time they fluttered, they swirled my innards
Reducing me to a frenzied teen in love
How can the colour of them be forgotten?
It has lit my room in it's reflected shades
Every time it glowed, it brightened up my soul
Burning me in love's enchanting blaze
How could I relenquish the scent of them?
They have filled up my senses, in gentle waves
Each time I inhaled, my mind felt alive
Bring me back into life's embrace
Did I hear you right? Was it sunflowers you meant?
I am sure it seemed so, I wouldn't know
For I wouldn't know you from a sunflower
And I wouldn't know a sunflower from you
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