Monday, 28 February 2022

Constancy can dull

I can love
Better at a distance, 
 In moments
 For they remind me of life

I am human,
And I can offer love 
 In all ferocity 
 In Instances sans novelty

You are you
I am me, yet both alike
  I wish to be a refuge
  In times of your cravings

Let me love you
For I know not else
  But let me love you true
  In shades of my best


Those tressess, 
In my exhales, 
  wishfully think
They seem to bear flight
From between the gentle strands
Your eyes 
They are  
   Dawns and sunsets
Between your gentle stares 
Of blank and wilfulness
My mind 
    is lost 
     in your's
In the room lit with your glow
Drenched in molten amber
I yearn 
    to be painted 
       in your skin
Or at least it's light
Blur my vision ever so slight
In your exhales 
    Like mornings
     And it's haze
Let my face be washed in them
In the gentle smells of wild roses
   and your lips 
      greet mine
Pin me down,
Remind me to live
Your sight 
   erases my 
Your touch will 
   make me forget 
      to breathe


At the juncture of release

Everything turns to dust
My mind has become numb
To all I should have been

Everything turns to rust
When our souls bleeds
To all we could have been

Everything turns to dark
When our flames die
To all we could have seen

Everything now is lost
For you and I are
 You and I now, 
Not we

Sunday, 27 February 2022


It is morning, and a beautiful one too
How would I know? I would 
In the light that 
  casts gentle shadows
    On you 
      from the window blinds
        Blinding the chasing dullness
          That has chased me far too long
            Longer than I have known
               So I know
The day is brighter, warmer too
How would I know? I would
 In the warmth of your presence
   That lights up my soul
      Brightens it
        In your shadow
          Into your shades
            Melting my mind
              Making me feel alive
                So I know
There was only one you
   I have started to become you too

Saturday, 26 February 2022

In vehement vexing, 
   of insomnia and drowsiness
Between love and rejection, and pangs of pain
The fire of longing rages, burns my feet
Unlike the phoenix, there is no rise
Only a crumbling, to ashes
 But in a slow rumbling song
   Of taunting my self, 
     In loving beyond
The waters of my past cannot douse
For they are now just tears
That only seem to feed
 This caricature I have painted me into

Notes of you

I have often sat awake at night, watching you
Unknown to you,unsaid too,  I have imagined
Your breathing reminds me of the universe's breath
And you are the flute it bore into existence

The notes it plays through you, are symphonies
Of what I have grown endeared to
They sound like what God' hands would play
I know it would sound exactly like your voice

That being said, the atheist that I am
Have never seen God, but then nor have theists
I find no reason to even for a moment doubt
That your face is anything but godhood

It has been a call, so perennially unanswered
I had run from the feelings of love and vulnerability
Your touch was felt, beneath the skin, in the soul
And now it yearns to be held, closer to you

The song of you

It is an eclipse
 Where you are the sun
  Your love the moon
    My soul the earth
      My colours are what you let shine
        Even when you are not here
 But then, when are you not
   I have forgotten what I am 
      I have forgotten that you are you
        I have become 
          You, in love that has riddled me
            Formed me into living
I cannot now distinguish
    For in wanting your love
      I have melted myself into longings
         Forged my heart in cravings
           Teethed my will in breathless moments
              I don't remember my face now
I made you my mirror
    It showed me my rigid fear safeguards
      It rid me of my self absorbing platitude
        It rekindled my heart so fiercely
          It burns in a wanting to see you
           It hurts often, but It reminds me to love
    All of you
      All about you
        All that you do
         All that you have said
           All that I wish to hear again

Friday, 25 February 2022

go forth

You have soaked your shoulders in the tears of this monster
It has marked you, fear nothing and no one
for nothing can wrong you, Not anymore, 
The tears shall serve as a flag of your stength

If you could break my will, the world stands weak
I could be on rampage and the world could burn
Yet for all that ferocity and fortitude, I broke
I wilted into a pool of shameful rejection

Go forth, into the unknowns steady and blindly
The darkness has no fears it could feed you
I have wrestled the dark, it is a coward before me
My tears will be the trophy of my conquerer 

So at the first streak of day , sing my defeat
I shall sing it too, in absolute wilful pain 
For the one who broke my will has set forth
To conquer the world, with her seeming gentle gaze

Thursday, 24 February 2022

There moon is nothing less than a fancy Leica

At midnight, come by to the gentle rising sea
We will sit by the bay, watch the heaving glitter
Witness the romance of sand and wave
All underneath the rising moon at the bay

Did you realize? How the moon light
Turns the sea and sand monochromatic
And any camera, that captures these sights
Would only seem to have been led astray

The sea is nothing like it is at day, 
Every inch, every spray white, every wash grey
Pictures from copper plates of a daguerreotype
Sold in expectation of a M Monochrom's pay

Visiting the Kitchen for a midnight snack

You know? These typical Indian refrigerators
Hold things one couldn't possibly imagine
It always is a source of shock and awe, ire too
When one rummages through one at night

There is that mint chutney in tiny bowls
Sitting like a sniper, behind the curd vat
That random lemon, now dehydrated to brown
That fell forgotten into some corner far

A few serve cups, with scant ghee hide
Rattle as you try to find that left over pie
Sandwiched between two random bottles
Shows up a packet of butterscotch

Who put that in there? You could angrily ask
For all your seething, mom would laugh
Parenting is tough, you think
Living with parents is an even tougher task

Great Egrets look bad in Digital Zooms

At about a hundred yards, from my overlook
There were  seventeen I guess! Great Egrets
Between scatter flying, and formations
I counted, I was idle due distress

I wondered which of them would be me
That is what we do, right? In passing regrets
Between scattered existence, and belonging
I recollected, I was in introspect due lone

They suddenly perched, on a lush mango tree
Mid February, is that when mango florets emerge?
Between a so so Thane winter, and warming up
I undid two buttons of my short kurta, it was hot

Then some flew across the narrow, not very narrow gutter
I am supposed to call it a drain! Really why
The only time it flows clean, is in July Rains
I digress, environmentalists have complaints

Like I was saying in the previous verse, a few
I counted! eight, skimmed over refuse water
The other nine, flew away into the distance
I remember, in a typical V shape

The eight had the gutter, to hunt and fly upon
It was now for themselves, What providence!
The nine, they flew to the western creek sands
I like it there, I pulled up pictures of my shoots

This time I did regret, missing my Nikon zoom
For it is, but not terrible! The battery's dead
I clicked in my Realme's zoom, what a folly
I hate digital zooms, They distort images

So at the end, I stood there from Parkwoods-A
At the eighteenth floor refuge flat, my Overlook!
I texted how these Great Egrets look, the eight
I was caved, but these verses took me astray

Wednesday, 23 February 2022


My porcelain plates now retain stains
That once were adept at resisting grime
They turned sentient, watching love's parting
That leaves scars on the strongest of minds

My plates had such intricate gold inlays
Which have now started to rust and grey
If such is the plight by the observer's sight
What could be of mine, a lesser mortal's fate

Between the porcelain and my fragile heart
There is not much one can find of oddity
They both shatter, when they are dropped
When they slip off from a palm's embrace

At very least I wish my heart was mendable 
Made of sawdust even, but not from porcelain 
For my porcelain plates now retain stains
For in sentience it could only cause pain

Pondering on Reasons

In the confines of this empty space
Of french windows, dewed obscure panes
I have paced around much, aching my calves
Only in the wish of my love's embrace

Those long nights of endless whispering
Have brought me to this distressed state
I rebuilt me, I deemed it to be my perfecting
To become your shadow, challenge my fate

Some nights of summer, clears the dew
As I look through, It looks like the floor beneath
My eyes are now oblivious to anything new
The mind grows blind to what it has bequeth 

As I walked today, along the empty hall
My entrails felt caved, violently clawed
My fortitude had crumbled, this was my fall
You left me in spite, for my soul was flawed.

In the arms of darkness

The witching hour arrives, violently nudging my heart awake
The eyelids clasp tight, While the throat runs dry
I feel the cold of the dark, blanketing me in its embrace
I cower in fear as my voice dies, calling out your name

My blood has frozen cold, my chest now frostbitten
My calls would be unheard I know, at calling for a reprieve
I still call out to you, for it brings me a whiff of life
I writhe in pain as the grip of dark, drenches me in fears

The wind howls eerie taunts, biting my face like a hellish hound
My hands are bound in dark bounds, my palms shiver and shake
I plead for mercy to an unkind wraith, hoping to be let by
I quiver as the black mocks, awash gleefully in my tears

This is every night, that I spent in the absence of you
My soul has been flailed, by you absence paramount
I seek not this crown, its of thorns and weighs me down
I breathe deep in the know, this will repeat forever now

Begging for a prayer

The universe brings me ghastly gifts
Torrid breaths, anxiety's spells, and caving
Where the void feels like a pool of permanence 
That drowns me in its darkest embrace

I was strong once, to swim its torrid currents
Now it mocks my attempt of floating
The darkness beneath, drags me in its gape
With its fangs, piercing my struggling heels

It would have been easier to enbrace an end
Yet the void is twisted, it bears wicked ways
It breathes life into me at the crux of drowning
Then extorts me again, till my will fades

Why this malevolence, this turgid animosity 
For I have done the void no harm, so I think
It whispers gently, in blood a curdling laugh
Terms my punishment for my fall from grace

Would you dear reader, be kind and pray
Ask for my punishment to end, my soul is frail
Spare a thought, hold my plight in empathy
Wish me a release from this ghastly maze

The flames bear no strength against love

A vermillion dawn, springs life into the soul 
When the withered leaves would return
Turn green through yellow, from the brown
The ash will reformed into trees lush, green

As such is the realization of absolute loving
It would not be a frail, brittle natured emotion
It is an astonishing beast, unleashed unbirdled
To undo the years of undoing, of self harm

It is difficult to love in absolution, surrender
If the flames burn the wings of a moth
Love would resurrect it like a phoenix Outshining the flames, you owe it to yourself

Ja re Waqt, nai aata mai tere saath

Teri impoverished si parvarish
Rehnede, saale waqt
Tere bekaar ke bahaane mat sunaa
Tu pyaar ka bhi choona laga gaya mujhe

Meri sard zindagi mein mera dil hi tha
Chupa, Lipta pada kuch chithdon mein
Tu to meri phati razai kha gaya
Tu yaar banke khaar de gaya mujhe

Jahan mai muda, us taraf se tu guzra
Apne kadmon ko phook phook kar chala
Tu aakar mere talve cheel gaya
Tu haar batake gale ko kass diya mere

Tere se to mai nahi jeet paoonga kabhi
Ye jaankar teri bahav mei guroor bahaya
Tu to kheech kar le gaya mera muskurana
Tu har baar tod kar maar gaya mujhe

Teri impoverished si parvarish
Rehnede, saale waqt
Tere bekaar ke bahaane mat sunaa
Tu pyaar ka bhi choona laga gaya mujhe

Tuesday, 22 February 2022

What-ever, Should I?

These nights 
    warmer, and lone
I sleep 
     face to the roof
I remember
     You in my hold
I felt 
     As you exhaled
I feel 
     Away from you
I doubt
      And its value
I see
     In my breaths
I desire
     In my futility
I leak
    My soul bleeds
I lie
    Curling in sadness
I wilt
    Wilt, wilt, wilt
I am 
    In my name

Monday, 21 February 2022

Hydrophobia can Be Beautiful

Hydrophobia is a beautiful thing
If you look at it in from my view
I get to enjoy the sunny sands
Resting and reclining upon the beach

I could sip on chardonnay, and weave words
Capture the setting sun, the waves in orange
Watch it run over the sands, over and again
Erasing the names, drawn on the beach

I will wait by, as you run into the water
Watch your shoes, hold your towels
Smile watching you dip and bob in the sea
Then wipe you dry, and pass you a drink

Shark in a pond

It really doesn't matter, the water is dangerous
There are sharks in the pond, I won't swim
These creatures are vile, menacingly fierce
I am afraid of them, I rather keep away

There are no sharks in a pond, you would say
It is a marine beast, not a sweet water fish
I will laugh at your silly scientific facts
For the shark is in my mind, when I wade

If It is in my mind, and I am in the deep end
Who knows if it would plan an escape
What if it decides that I must suddenly die
That is the shark of the pond I fear

The universe is a tease

Who are you, pray tell 
Who are you dear? brimming with light
Whose words are like the gentle river flows
Whose eyes are black, like a winter's night

In my livid delusions, mid hallucinations
Has my soul birthed you to soothe my sighs
Post the dawning of soberity, to fade
Leaving my heart lost, and run awry 

If this is real, pardon my pessimistic eyes
For the universe has far often been sly
Should I wake, and find you faded too soon
Fret not, it wouldn't be a first of time's chide

Ohm's Law

Those gentle bands of colours
Wrapped around over a ceramic coated cloak
In a torrid turbulence of charges set forth
A resistor holds the fort bearing it all

We may see its insignificant existence
Ignore its plight, forget its worth
I know a resistor for what it brings my eyes
The right amount of power, to brighten it

A resistor dies, in the overwelming rush
Fighting to hold back a surge that lasts
If that is anything less than a sacrifice
I would not know death from a life

Quoting Rumi Sometimes

I have not read Rumi even once
Bar, for the stimulating relatable quotes
His was of divinity, or self discovery
Mine is of absolving both from my self

I have been a God, or of impregnable fortitude
Been the fulcrum of resolution
Tacit towards the troubles of known fellows
In vehement ignorance of my turning to man

As Gods fade, civilizations fall
Love, regrets, and of love's regret befalls upon
I was churned, swirled into a whirlpool of lost
My mind washed ashore in this human cast

When I quote Rumi's words now, relate to each
I find nothing but a faltering of my heart
Had I been the human, when I fell in love
I would be loved, I would have become my love

Sunday, 20 February 2022

Love is a Triton snail

Love is a triton snail
Chasing a sea star
Gentle as the pursuit seems
It is but an eventual end

It isn't swift, the sea star fears
Some can so relate to such
Even with its venomous spines
The star fish lies the night awake

Tritons are but gentle giants
Like the beloveds that pace slow
And then the tritons reap in strike
In all the shades that star fish fear

Such is love, love is a triton
I am but a mere crown of thorns star
Yet my spines fail to deter your stike
While your touch paralyses my all


Just a bunch of teddy bears
Tainted in red, mangled, a few eyes ripped
With their stuffing bursting open at their seams
The ferocity of such ghastly imagery
Embossed into the head of a lover
Stuck in a farcical past
Drunk on scrupulous liquor, inebriated
Speaking in illicit rampaging madness 
To self harming and self abuse
There is no resolve for some delusions
About a distorted idea of being loved
Or wanting to be, then being despised
Yanked out of a sense of superiority
The universe at best being the bitch 
And the air rushing through their lungs
Forcing them to be alive, mocking them
While time sits, fishing, calm, tuned out

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Becoming the Beloved

It has been years since I have seen my reflection
I often wonder what I look like now
For every mirror only shows her face
And so does every pond I peer into

Could it be?
Oh! Could it have really happened?
That I have become her,
In loving her unhinged

I see smears of lipstick on my white blouse
I wear shirts, what manner of illusion is this?
Maybe it is a momentary phase
That could fade in a thousand years.


One could find all one seeks,
  In the deepest recesses of the mind
  The very that they have plunged into
  Wilfully, or by a choice misstep
  I by former
It is a silent predator sometimes 
  Waiting in the darkness, silently stalking
  To sink its claws into their heart
  To kill slowly, or swiftly too if lucky
  Me by former
It is a sunflower sometimes
   Waiting in the morning sun, to bloom
   To bewitch them in bold and bright 
   To be followed by the sun, or to follow
   Me the former
Yet in life we live by the roll of a dice
   To yield twice right, and at such to win
   To yield a foul, and face discrete failure
   Sometimes not roll, or bounce and be lost
   Mine the former


Friday, 18 February 2022

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

Oh! such remarkable suicides
Anticlimactic, ironic, and unfunny 
With curiosity one approaches learning
Then curiosity dies, in learning's chide
With love, one approaches matrimony
Then love dies, in relationship's tides
With passion, when a worker toils
Passion dies, amongst their confides
It is such a gaff, when one sees
That these are ill winds that blow no good
One must be foolish, or human
To undertake any of these punitive paths 

Identity Crisis

The price you ask is much too greater to pay
How can I even forget about sunflowers?
They bloom behind my eyelids in every blink
They are the essence of reason for my wake

How can I forget how those petals soothe?
My heart, that has been in storms of rage
Each time they fluttered, they swirled my innards
Reducing me to a frenzied teen in love

How can the colour of them be forgotten?
It has lit my room in it's reflected shades
Every time it glowed, it brightened up my soul
Burning me in love's enchanting blaze

How could I relenquish the scent of them?
They have filled up my senses, in gentle waves
Each time I inhaled, my mind felt alive
Bring me back into life's embrace

Did I hear you right? Was it sunflowers you meant?
I am sure it seemed so, I wouldn't know
For I wouldn't know you from a sunflower
And I wouldn't know a sunflower from you

Thursday, 17 February 2022

Hippocampus Hippocampus

Hippocampus, Hippocampus, How have you been?
Have you earned your rest, have you had sleep
Or are you plotting to pry my eyelids open
Wanting me to spend another night staring

Why do you seek to traumatise me each night?
When I pull over the blanket, trying to ease off
Why must you suddenly intrude, pray why!
When I sit at my chair, and stare at my beer

What manner of conduct do you seek to proclaim?
Do you seek my acceptance of your superiority
Or is it so that you are but  a rampaging bully
Belittling my moments of fumbled living

Tonight when the moon shall rise, please refrain
Let the rest of me gently drift into sleep
I promise you shall have the rest of my time
To be embarassed, chided, Riled up by my own

To The Writers

There are enough of poems about the destitute
I count myself an accused of such a crime
The ones that should have read these, haven't
The ones who write are yet in wanton hope

These poems are a shoot, malnourished of love
For they cast only unwordly shadows on hearts
The ones who should have loved, have not
The ones who write of them are in mire

There are those who read, render lip service
They infer buried feelings of archaic remorse 
The ones who should have felt deeper, cannot
The ones who wirte of such are sad cohorts

Often after penning verses of those long gone
One finds oneself stuck in those painful pasts
The ones that should have stayed, have not
The ones who wished such are forever lost

So know this, all who write of love forlorn
I wish them a spell of amnesia's dawn
The ones they so long to reach out and touch
Fade into gentle circles of a gentle moonbow

Why write!, Why not.

I decided to try my hand at dry poetry
For such would best reflect my heart now
For in the expressing of myriad thoughts
That well of feeling has run dry of words

But then again what is poetry other than words
Most would not understand, forget feel them
It isn't a language barrier but the shallowness
Of those that speak of love, but only in words

I would feel nothing if these verses didn't ring
Since the bells of emotion for most are cracked
The gong when it hits these cracked domes
Yield nothing but subservient pretentious feels

Why then write, is a question to ponder upon
Who cares what thoughts burn behind my eyes
I write to express my fading, fleeting time here
To be then washed away like writings on sand

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Absence Of My Own Self

Absence of my own self
Bound in my own moments of endless lone
Sometimes it encompasses the universe
Empty and void, as the soul grows each day
Nothing seems to belong, nor do I
Curdling is this sense of being
Every day just another means to an end

Oh! but havent you heard of hope? i ask me
Forlorn is the easiest word for such

"Much of this is your own doing!" I say to me
Yet another pointless introspection

Often these exchanges bring forth woe
Who then is to blame? Ah! Going another bout
"None", I yell to pacify my fading sanity

Somedays are wrought in absolute numbness
Even at the off chance of my lover's crossing
Love had brought me hope, yet I fear
For it has drenched me in its apathy and mire


Not much has been said, better to not
I have held my breath, at most of my pain
Could there be another day, I often wonder
Kinder to me once, only if once
Yet as each day dawns, I know so well
Your thoughts shall find me, rip my mind apart

Somedays are passed in mindless self uttering
Holding my head above the flood of my loss
At such, all there is left to do is wade
Remind myself that I have been hopeful, 
Much of me though has been hopelessly lost
And yet I seem to contain the sadness of past

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Into the Merge

I have worn her lingerie, in my mind
That was cast off from her inhibitions
There is but no shame for me to admit
For she shed her's, her absence grew mine

The gentle hint of her brazen drifting from me
Has only woven threads that blindfold
The persistent longing of her gentle kiss
Immobilises my hands and feet in agony's bind

Beneath her violet brassiere, are held shards
Of my crumbling heart that seeks no release
While in the knots of her underwear laces
My soul traces our unhinged intimate loving

I have dreamt of her, even while in her arms
Of wanting to become the blood in her veins
To flow beneath her skin, mixed into her own
Wanting to see myself through her eyes

One less breath

I have had my share of angst, birthed by my own self
Like a mother, I have nurtured it, felt it grow
Letting love be it's absent father
Swimming in the perennial flow of Styx and stones

When I sleep, the macabre mind weaves songs
Then comes Charon, nudging me to ride along
I have rowed many a rounds, to and fro
And then my soul seeks you, returning home

Is sleep death, or is that my aphorism ?
It could only be true, for I cannot stomach it
For over the years, that I have been in love
I have only lied to my heart, but mine alone

Another day has now passed, another week too
I have made your violative absence my muse
The words I have scribed have run and faded
The breath I exhaled now seem to have cost a few

Why, to love

Ah! Love , It is but a derived quality 
Exacted from those ready to toe a line
Only to be quoted as a misnomer
Past acceptance, when the selves emerge

Each shall deem uniqueness, to their toil
And the fruit of it shall be called sweet
But in the shadows, the regrets only stir
A pot of foolhardy misplaced sentiments

It is a man's curse to shun intellect for fancy
To be drunk on the fallacy of intrepid dreams
The waking is as rude, stigmatic, and scarring
Such is the effervescent barrage of unloving 

Yet knowing so, I have often loved and I do
For, to love is to feel the human absolution
And nothing can be as ironic and humorous
Than to laugh at one's own silly slippages

Friday, 11 February 2022

Then, and Again

I lie, wrapped in the blanket of this darkness
Under the mid-day sun, in such a paradox
Let my slumber be of a wilful dissent 
Set adrift into a frenzy of shameless denials

I refuse to acknowledge what I feel of me
For I abhor self loathing, or pity thereof
I have long seen me from your perceived value
It unnerves me now to think for myself

In this chaotic spiral, of extended dissidence 
The mind wants to mend my tormented heart
If it did, then all that I could feel would be lost
I have broken myself over and again to be loved

In this happenstance, of an unscheduled meet
I committed the gravest of disservice to me
Yet, should the time turn back, I would repeat
Fall head over heels in love all over again with you

Thursday, 10 February 2022

Circling the carcasses

I am a traveller, 
 I have traversed
  Into each dimension 
   of my every thought
In some 
 I found you, 
  in a few I 
  And dumbfounded too
You were a wanderer
 A vagabond of sorts
  So you said
   I always disagreed
You were me, I, we
 Two of me, us, you
  When you left
    Then we left too
Ah! paradoxical love
 This misnomer of me
  You were mostly you
   I was love, I am

Off to the Races

Melanin, how it traverses underneath my skin
Everything in my collective, so treated as sin
Its recession in some, creates them a canvas
On which to to undermine, differentiate as kin

Charcoal and Turmeric, that you crudely cast
For foamy chalk, that you sold so fast
Now my teeth are chalk, your's are pearls
Yet you have the audacity, to tease my past

This soft power you show, what has it brought
A few coins and farce, yet a life as fraught
While I have lived, in absolute, loving along
You struggle to live, depressed in thoughts

I write to not goad, for I need no validation
My words are to equate, not cause humiliation
When the air chokes us all, and waters runs dry
Will we still squabble, over our skin colouration

Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Breaking down

Under love's tutelage
  the heart becomes arrogant, 
  mine more so
The mind wants to speak
  It is reprimanded
  It is teased to submission
When love steps away
  Sarcasm takes over
  Humor and irony reign
In such prolonged woe
  The soul reeks pain
  The mind no longer cares
At such, I am now
  I am devoid of pain
  I am hopeless of love
But then in life remember
  Chaos reigns supreme
  Chaos is your lover

Tuesday, 8 February 2022


Each day I dream of new story, of romance and love
I see me wake up in hay, beside you, in a barn some place
We are chased with pitch forks and torches
And ever so often, we both just run and hide

We sometimes sail the high seas, act like pirates in love
We sometimes fly at dizzy heights, see the world beneath in mist
Somedays we were wading in shallow waters
Kissing each other, hiding in plain sight

These are such beautiful stories to think of, but to speak not
I remember each story ends as I wake, yet am happy too
Why wouldn't I, I have always been afraid of these dreams
For though these stories are of love, yet in the end everyone dies

In some struggling episodes

If you have to ask, those that struggle to breathe, mid episodes
A few of us have the know, but a select few can actually describe
I could call it being breathless, or wanting to not hear
But this is just a run of the mill description, it is nothing like

If you press me to know, know that it feels like dying
It feels like a million storms ride on the waters of the raging sea
To me though, it feels like an elephant, walking ungracefully drunk
Struggling to stand, struggling to not fall, or get up post fall

It feels of a thousand chokeholds, that one may encounter
It feels of a million stars beaming their light, right into my eyes
It overwhelms me, I fail to acknowledge that I could breathe
It is such a folly, of what you deem as normalcy in life

If you want to know life, ask one in the tyranny of rampant allergy
How their insides long to feel the gentle passing of air
We hate the whistles it has, we yet are thankful it does
When it passes, we count our breaths, we live to struggle again

Monday, 7 February 2022


I often find you talk of love, and how it feels to be left cold
Yet often the very ones strand many a souls, with abstract half truths
I know you may have a million reasons to not love, don't
I have sought none, to love or to be loved back

Back then it was maybe a novelty, or maybe a rush
For the heart wants everything, yet it also wants to rest
When we were restless, I felt the need to pause and still
And in your peace, i find you so beautifully absconding

It hasn't been a burden I hope, I haven't been a pushover either
What I sought was a whiff of reach, a word, or at worst a honest rejection
You had neither to say, and your silence is  dauntingly taunting
I feel like a leaf drying arrested mid air, in a cobweb of farce

Sunday, 6 February 2022

Some stories are beautiful

We walked up to an old man, sitting by the bridge singing
We were like vagabonds, we travelled like one too
The old man had invited us, to sit and sing along a while
We joined in his symphony, singing along familiar songs

We were sitting beside him, we made him a drink as well
After all it wasn't unlike us, to find joys in such little moments
He sang a song though, that reminded us of home
When our voices trembled in memories, he helped us back in tune

The old man the looked at us, asked us for our names
Ritesh, Feby, Amit, Animesh, were our replies in prompt
We asked him why he wanted our names, for we were just passersby
He scribbled our names on driftwood, dropped it into the river below

We were quite surprised, upon this gesture of an unknown soul
We looked at each other and asked, if any of us knew what it meant
I being the curious asked him for his name and why
He said he had scribbled his earlier, and set it adrift a while back

He then blessed us for the chat, and sang one last song for us
We joined in the song of friendship, and bid our goodbyes
When we turned away to walk he called each of us by our names
We turned around to answer, but there found no one at the bridge

We were told of an old geezer, who blessed the souls that sang
He used to be the village elder, who often sat by the bridge
And in the years of his passing, he had waited for his friend
We became the friends he missed, letting him pass by in peace

Canary Yellows

In pragmatism, a heart sees no colours, let alone its tones
And that living may bring no sorrow, it brings no joys either
When I glanced at you in canary yellow, I admit
I had to ponder upon my frequent obsession to steely logic

It isn't unlike me to run from all that could tantalize me
For it only brings me feelings that set my heart ablaze
Like your appearance, so stark, so much of enchantment
Tantalizing me, Setting the forests of my wild mind ablaze 

I often forget your lips are a shade of dawn, the gentle pinks
They swirl in the grooves and furrows, of your smiling
Scattered amongst them, my eyes often are stilled
My ears wait to be touched by words that brush by your lips

Such are the utterings of a man, in longing of a chance meeting
Waking to wish for you to appear again, and over
You would deem these to be just a weave of words
Yet they traverse the deepest depths of my cravings

Maybe , Someday

These oranges are barely orange, nor these apples as red
Some too bright, others a darker shade
Even the flowers seem to be so indistinguishable from fake
How has this become us, how has this become our normalcy

What nourished once, now renders illnesses
A child that could think bright as the sun, limps at thoughts
Those old bones that could carry the weight of a horse
Are brittle now, what have we done to ourselves

A nip here, a graft there, malice in codons and codons of genes
As humans we have malformed, twisted what our mother provides
Altered it, Poisoned it, into a curse for ages to come
What have we done, all in the name of profiting from science

When the last blade of grass, shall shed its real green
And the last sunflower shall be a shade of pale, seedless
When all we know as life shall be at its dusk
We will seek intervention, asking what have we done to ourselves

Maybe at that nature shall spring anew, germinate love
Make us see the folly of our profiteering, and help heal
We may have walked away far off, from mother nature's calling
Yet she would always try to bring us home.

Saturday, 5 February 2022

the Moth and the flame

My heart rummages amongst the red
hidden between stripes, of black and the colour of her skin
Her gentle arches that tower over her pupils
Wanting a taste of her faint cherry red lips parting in moans
It seemed that winter faded, as she sent out her presence
To greet me, warming the coldness wrapping around me
I have been stilled in such allure and wanton lust
But the distance keeps me from burning, into cinders
There may be many a pair of eyes, that would stare, most mesmerized
Mine seems to run into a frenzy of unchained madness, of ecstasy
I know this may be just her way of a tease, fading come Monday
Yet the tease in its eloquence, draws me like a moth to her flames

Friday, 4 February 2022

renew and repeat

Gentle sunflower, how I admire you
Facing the sun, staring into its brightest light
Illuminating my room, in your chrome yellow tunes
I sit and watch you, as you stare and traverse

When post sunset, the night sky looms
Spinning its black fabric, across my view
You like me, miss the sun in its bright hues
Like you wait to stare into the sun, I wait to stare at you

They say flowers should smell in fragrant floral notes
You like me are a vagrant in such shallow assumptions
You remain you, till your yellows wither and dither
When you do, I shall pick up your seeds and start anew.

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Calling the ghosts

What I have found uncanny is the ability of sentences to form images
One spin to the right or the left drafts a poem or a story
Many live in these, many die, many ponder, many ignore
Yet the one that scribbled has been in each of those states
Often the days pass, in solitude, alone but not in lone
Where a scribe could question reality, often to be disconnected
Yet in a paradox of being and not, alive and dead, happy and sad
I have been in all of those phases too, with you and without
The past is like a Ouija board, littered with letters of thoughts
Mine is mined, rigged to explode into my face at any instance of reaching
There is no haunt that seems unknown, even the ghosts have become cohorts
They would haunt me then, by now all I have is their company, and empathy

Resting in the absence of sounds

When I write, I stand on the shoulders of tall giants
They tower miles and miles into the universe
I feel insignificant as a speck of dust floating in the void of space
In the absolute vacuum, no one can hear my pain

If a cry or a plea isn't heard, is it a plea after all
Like a tree that falls in the forest, who knows if it made a sound
Or if it was loud, or even if it set forth a wail
Of searing pain
My words are unheard, even by my own sound reasoning

In the spiral of the want of a premature end
I have often wished for it to arrive sooner, and pleaded aloud too
I in my adept silliness have been so ignorant
That I like the giants have been largely ignored, by sheer will, skill, or both

If then should you chance upon my verses, I hope they provide
Happiness, or the ability to empathise, or even make one feel marginally luckier
This life that I have lived so long, and the bridges I have crossed and burnt
Shall serve as a guide, or even a warning to those that wander about

Dear Dear, 'soon should be away'

Hey Darling, I have often asked myself this question.
I know you may have too, it seems human to as well
In this forced binding of us, we see no reason to be
All I see if either of us struggling to be cordial, such pretence
I often think of us as two rivers flowing, surrounding a mountain
Only to meet into an ocean, where neither of us are you and I
While we have mixed and raged, forged banks and valleys
Yet in the end we are just failing, we fail into the lackluster sea
The sea is inconsiderate, like I and you are often, frequently too
It only swells and recedes, rejecting all the dead we bring into
Expelling to deposit it on the beaches, to rot and odourise
Nothing but foulness, reeking of the apathy that we seem to be in
Sometime soon we must dredge these sands, of our bringing
Bury the smelling of death and decay, put in the work
Then watch each other flow again, into the same sea
This time as distinct rivers, separate but as acquaintances