Monday, 11 July 2022

Would you like some coffee?

I hate the rains, but only if I stand in it
The crosswinds make it beautiful
Coffee, the steam, rising off it, 
  in my dimly lit room
Like a barely bright dawn
And your hands wrapped in mine
That is a rain I rather love
For these droplets are a stark reminder
Of the coldness
Just like your absence here
From me
Not of separation, 
we couldn't be separate ever
Not even a heartbreak could let me feel so
For you could leave
I would leave with you
But this coffee, the smell of it
Warms my heart
I hate coffee, I drink tea usually
But the tea doesn't smell as good
I love watching the rains
Like I love watching you
As you are distant, 
by all measures of physical constraints
Yet I can feel you,
Jogging along, approaching my window
Drenched partially, smiling back at me
And I would yell out of the window like now
Holding my coffee cup
Ask you if you would love me
Melting in the coldness
Hoping to be warmed in your embrace

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