Sunday, 10 July 2022

When could I have complained

It should not hurt to say 'I love you'
But it hurts in so many ways
I would rather choose to skip a breath
Than have my heart skip a beat
For I loved to the end to my self
And that self has died, curled up

In my study, under my table
In the black of the nights,
I lay cold, broken and in company
Of a void that drank my life blood
I hated to breathe, i hated to wake
Yet I woke, and in regrets of breath

In my untold stories of you
I held my torrid swell of guilt
And when in those moments
my heart dried up in torment 
I moistened it with tears of wait
For I had accepted your hate

It shouldn't hurt, to say 'I love you' 
When the October sun shimmered
I made sun dried tomatoes
When the march brought me mangos
I fed and hugged my labradors
And they did hug me back, actually

But it does, it so hurts to say 'I love you'
For the me we knew died
I buried him in my potted plants
It was easier too, he was in pieces
Like he was left behind, by us
We left so much broken behind

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