brings poetry
You pour your heart out
The deepest sadness
into verses
Like a bartender
mixing up a shot
of Gin and tonic
While you are on drink number nine
Already inebriated
Already swaying
It's a trip,
like the liquor hitting the brain
The absence of one's love,
the absolute searing pain
One can only indulge on in,
until the ink runs out,
The pages are drenched in tears
The brain passes out,
And or
In pain
The days pass
Numbness knocks
at the heart's doors
You answer,
You know you shouldn't have
You saw it through the peep hole
But misery has avarice
It wants numbness too
Then you,
and numbness sit
Argue over the Oxford comma
The tenses seem wrong
Misery is a mean one
Numbness just wants to be done
But pain, oh! It sits clamping the heart
And you sit writing even more
Just like at the bar
Where Old friends gather
These are now your besties
The only liquor to drink now is tears
You can spare more,
You brew it in your soul
The days pass in this company
Until, hope knocks
You let it in too
You then proceed to get it drunk
You should have learnt by now
Your tears are the very drug
That renders everything wrong
Hope drinks a shot of them
Hope is unhinged now
Hope now is hopless too
You transform it too
Happens too often
I sit across the room from you
I scribble this story,
I am you from a time gone by
Yet you are a me, I no longer know
Other than in my paraphrasing
Verses, they are poems you think
They are your stories, ours, his, her's
I want to sleep, she says
Something from my memory,
I guess,
I digress
And you can't sleep, nor can I
I am watching you,
wallowing in pain
Till we pass out, somewhere
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