Tuesday, 13 April 2021

Smouldering green

In dreams I find myself in a forest
Chased by shadows of the ones i have hurt
I rise into the skies sprouting wings
Breathing fire, green glowing, ever consuming
I have often wondered why the imagery
To only know this heart has no peace
In its eagerness to let love remain
It has often chosen to hold the blame
When the lovers wished to depart
Tear apart my dilapidated bleeding heart
I just stood, let them point and curse
Let their words tear me apart
A guttony for pain, or so one must think
Yet i wish not to furnish defence nor explain
I choose to be the flaming beast
Spewing flames, glowing green
If this is for me to bear, so be it
I shall not let my lovers feel pain
I have been known to contain the river
Of Acheron, if one must even compare
So if you wish to go, go free
Fly into what would be your destiny
But while you spread your wings and fly
As you swirl the mist into voritces
I shall not utter a word stand still
In your parting i shall polish my eyes

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