Sunday, 23 December 2018

In hues of blue, gentle
As you and me swirl
We the remanent of a glorious star
That once lit all around it
And then as it passed its journey
Painted the surroundings in hues we are now
You and I
Forming worlds of our own
Each distant
Further as the galaxies speed away
We neither want to be away
Nor can we be creating worlds of ours
You have yours
I didn't create mine
I chose to be sprinkled
Scattered, remain as a sprinkle
In the darkness of space
Sometimes drawn
Sometimes let go
But always scattered

Friday, 14 December 2018

The Garage, an affair, A love story

Late night in his garage,
Alex sat eating beans and pork,
This car is still not fixed
The roof doesn't open, said a voice
Alex turned around, let a spanner loose
In the dim lit garage, the spanner flew
Tumbling and spinning
Like a humming bird free and careless
Flying in circles
It landed on her left temple
Hit the windshield and then dragged itself down
Over the hood, scraping it and itself mildly
Alex stood there in horror.
Now I have to buff the scratch on that wrench again
An angry anxious voice was heard
"Alex, you better not be tossing your wrenches around carelessly"
Alex rushed,
Pushed the car out of his garage, ignoring the body knocked unconscious
It rolled down the slope
He found his wrench,
Picking it up, he smiled.
It looked well, he heaved a sigh of relief
Alex loves his wrenches

The morning came after,
Down the slope
A policeman was pondering
At a car, crashed into a tree
Was this a murder, was it a robbery
Unclear, he walked uphill , to Alex's
"Hey Alex, you know anything about that dead body down the road?" he enquired.
Alex turned around, let a spanner loose
In the morning light, the spanner shone like silver
It flew tumbling and spinning
Like a innocent child, free and careless
Turning in circles
It landed on his right temple
Alex stood there in horror.
Did is scratch that wrench again? He wondered; walking hastily to its landing.
He pushed aside the now dead man,
Retrieved his wrench
The body rolled by , down the hill
Near the crashed car
An angry anxious voice was heard again
"Alex, you better not be tossing your wrenches around carelessly"

The noon arrived,
There were two town folk at the scene
They both looked at the car and the slain
Pondered what had happened.
They walked up the slope to Alex's  garage and called out
"Hey Alex, there are 2 dead people down the slope"
Alex turned around, let 2 spanners loose
In the noon sun, the spanner beamed , reflected the sun
It flew like galloping horses
In unison, a matched derby of sorts
Without a jockey
It landed on their temples
Alex stood there in horror.
Did I scratch those wrenches again? He wondered; walking hastily to their landing.
"Alex, you better not be tossing your wrenches around carelessly"
Said a body, stuck in an unkept car
Almost decomposing
Alex yelled back at her
"Shut up Joan, I love my wrenches, I take good care of them"

Tuesday, 4 December 2018

So be fine
For then winter sun rises late
bathes all of us in the warmest hues
It melts my soul
Makes me breathe
Realize I am alive again
Whilst I do ponder briefly on it
The nuances of its humility are evident
I have to swim along
The tides this universe has cast
The swell and the dip
Both seem to assimilate me
It is neither a shock or a lament
Of all if I am anything , it is in a trance
Intrepid and oblivious to the next
Like a smear of oil, scattering the colours
In a puddle of muddy water
Gently melt by the morning sun
In tiny rills,
I too traverse along the infinite vast
Into a direction best unknown to me and all
Stilled, devoid of feeling, a chance of skill
Not will
Unlike the puddle , that is gentle
Drift, adrift, gently amongst the torrid waves.

Sunday, 2 December 2018

This is a mad December
The icy pins, on my bare face
As I roam, like a mad man
In my own trance
For you are not here to annoy
Not be daft and silly
It is only a few days
But it feels like a prison
Of freedom that seems irrelevant
For I roam free as you loom and lurk
Crib and throw a fit
Of wanting to be stuck to me
And I always ask .. like glued together?
Then again, my mind is
To yours.

Thursday, 29 November 2018


This is not an expression
For I seek no acceptance of said such
For I write to see what I feel
Like a mathematician on a quest
Like a child that looks at the dying carcass 
Of a goldfish that fell out of the bowl
I see no joy or sadness there
But a zest for understanding the inner self
Could be egocentric, yet in my eccentricity
I am always digging
Over and over
Only to conclude
What I have always seen and realized
Sometimes I write to persuade my self
Most times
I write to exhume.

Sunday, 25 November 2018

Divine unfunny

Read between the lines
Overtly shadowing, harrowing
Misleading with beauty of those pines
This is only a fraudulent attempt
Of a comedy, et all
Unlike Dante's
This is mine
Here there is no hell
No purgatory
Not a judgement of who you were
It is but a fragment of choosing
Your choices
And then when and if you shall choose to see
Reach out and ask
I will only guide
But on this journey
We both are alike
None superior
None lesser
We both as mere mortals
As the universe floats us to the ends
Of it's mind
Unknown to either

Sunny days

On some random day
Where the sun dries those sliced tomatoes
Sprinkled with salt brine
I smell them
They feel beautiful
For they hold a promise
Of being dry
In frost
I can cook them in my pot
As they add flavour
Once so gentle
Yet so brilliant
Those sundried tomatoes
Slices in my pasta.

Friday, 16 November 2018

"This is but one of the many" said her voice
A place that holds down what should be
Amongst its lush greens, subterranean spaces
Are long lost, forgotten relics
Of a past that you are the culmination of
You are the bearer of the mantle it seems
Or we could engage
Into a prattle of how your fragility is
how pervious your likes are
For I have long known you
Lady luck was always in your favor
You have become the sum of your actions
Amongst the hunters and the arbiters
The grunts and the overwhelming oddities
"I will still wish to win"
As she faded before me , she remarked
You went searching for me when I was lost
And you never answered the question i had
who was the machine ,  you or I
When you took this girl on a ride
Now I am searching for you
Only to coax you to be beside
And you just defy, is this love ?
Or is it our end?

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

And what have I brought forth
What have I brought to the table
Of your life or mine
Only shattered shards of glass
And what we seem to do is only bleed of that
At that my question is why was it me
That is your run to ruin
Why the instance of the universe
In your case didn't deflect me
To be shunned into the darkness of the universe
Like matter that forms the ejecta
Set forth onto an endless trail
How I wish you are entangled to a sun
Your own
And I see your shadow
Darken my path, as I drift away .

Friday, 9 November 2018


What persuades a mind to seek
In this rancid futility of unpredictable life
I am happy I see another morning,
I see no reason to ties
Yet these around me seek
Try to tie and entangle
And then whimper like a a bee with a lost wing and dying
I see no pleasure or peace in such
Maybe its delirium
Or maybe it is mortal
I may not be on the right plane, i believe
For this is only worthless and daft
A life is only fuller by itself
Devoid of stupid turbidity of inane
For they bring only boredom
They do not matter to me

Friday, 2 November 2018

You my dear are born in a realm
Of constant chaos
Unlike me who has the easy road
For you can watch your nerves flare up and glow
Mine just ease up and relax
Not for I dont want to excel, but for I seek not to
Yet here you are at another juncture
Of creating stories
Tales of win , tales of struggle
The essence of being human
I have forever felt like an entity that controls outcomes
Like a divinity
Yet all I have is nothing
A vast emptiness
Yet never sad, never happy
You have the chance to be either
That I will always be jealous of

Severe the disjointed

In search of the perfect knife
A blade that would shimmer in the moonlight
Sharp enough to cut it too
And split each ray into a sparkle
That I would prefer to cut the ties of my ego
That has for long kept me alive
A ego that is defiant
Disjoint, and indifferent
That seeks to only keep my mind at peace
I am bored of peace
I want this mind to run amok
Be ravaged by the silly insecurities life seems to offer
To other souls around me
For then I wouldn't cringe at their absurdity
And then I may feel less out of place
Yet again
Would I still stay amongst these that spawn idiocy so profound
I may not
But then I would look at the shiny blade and smile
And accolade its failure
To bring obscurity to my mind.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Those Beautiful Pyramids

What else but a samosa
To warm a mind that is in a land of sands and the Mecca
He yearns for the gentle waft
The smell the way it makes his mouth water
A roadside vendor at Mumbai
Will always far outdo when one is presented
With a so called Arabian Samosa
He craves for the Mumbaiya
But his wait is at best long, not longer though
For he would return in a matter of months
Some have never tasted either
Neither the original nor the so called
Only those who have and then haven't for a while
Can truly know
The way it makes one heart glow

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

A search of knives

Find me a date she said
One that compels me to run into his arms
Yet know, he of all things must care, consider and calm his head
Find me a lover like that
One who could brush away my hair
As you would
And stare gently at the curves of my smile
Tell me in a million words each day
How I make his life worthwhile
When I have a mind that blazes in anger
He holds me closer and makes me calm
Find me one like that
Let him converse to me in countless words
Of his day, his night his nightmares and dreams
Tell me he sees me in them all and more
Yet let him leave me be, should I seek absolute solace on terrible days
When I trip and fall, let his heart tumble
Panic yet maintain his balance and help me up
Find me this man
This is your task
Let him see me in all, let him know my scent like a wolf
Let him be overcome by hunger tenfold
Than mere mortals I have know all along
For you while are all that and some
You cannot be allowed in my world
Find that man for me
Find him

You can fly now

As you have often hurt
Let this knife remain
For this once let me bleed
Litter my kitchen floor with rubies
Of my glistening bleed
While your mind stitches itself back to reality
Let mine fade
For as I stagger towards my living room
I can paint the walls with these deep red palm prints
And then when it dries up
You can think of the choices you made
For then you no longer have me
Hounding you, knocking on your door
For being loved
This may be the final act
Where I have to exit
So that you may learn
That I exist as nothing
As you find greener pastures.

Gently as a breeze
Her face brushes mine 
As she looks to me while she rises and falls
In a union of flesh and desires
She a hungry soul
Unaware of what a gentle caress is
And I hungry as a wolf smelling her desires
She holds on to me as she lets her hair down
As it brushes my face she exhales
And then her lips come closer to mine
Meet mine, brushing along
Making the moment melt into chaos
Yet an order of mortal summon
She a being of gentleness and cravings
I a being akin to a singularity
As her soul feeds mine
She asks
"Could this be love'
I hold her gentle face , running my hands over her tracing her hair, speak
This could be better
This could be our hunger meeting midway

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

I would fly by often
At night, often rest
At the tree beside her stone block home
As the moonlight traced her house
Rendering a bokeh of the mountain side
It was past nine, that she would arrive
In the night, sipping her whiskey
Onto the porch and sit in the wooden recliner
Beside an empty one
Sing old numbers, in a gentle mellow voice
The windows of her home
Lit by a warm stove's light
It was flicker and splash
Of yellows and orange hues
On her wood laquer walls
Past eleven she would walk
Vanish through the string curtains
Some nights, on weekends
She would sleep beneath the stars
And all I would do is hope the mornings
Took the furthest time to arrive

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Who cares for your tangerine mindedness
Whilst my world is a pulp of random fruits
Where shall i draw a line
Shall it be
between the peel.or the seed
Neither of those sing
For neither weave a fancy
At least to me
Whilst your orangish metaphors lament
I only see a wail
And unending
Is that such a chaos that you cannot comprehend
For it is but a whack on a poet as you
you are not in such mediocrity
To write better
For me to yearn for
To read those poems
In absolute chaos and eternity

Sunday, 7 October 2018

An invite for the moon haters

Around six we are watching the sailboats
Afloat on the gently glowing sea
Where the moon will make an appearance
To try and appear as a fake romantic

We do provide stones
But then a fair intelligent advise
The moon is a fool like most humans
Fake and all
No fire and just a mirror

A million billion souls have sung and composed
Or composed and sung
Yet the stars are so much sweeter
On moonless nights
They sing in gentle hymns
Of the sparkles of life and bearing

The follower, slave, oh sorry; i mean the moon
Its sole existence , given life by the sun
And all it has to show is
Of being a placeholder of all that is of a loser

Beware the poets
As you all gather forth
To witness this evenings subtle enchantment
The sun will glow, gleam on you and the sea equally
While the moon will just waste your while

A reply to an invite to witness the moon

How I would like to attend such

Yet only to be distracted as this is what the try seems

For as the apathy of the moon light this is so

Only but a non lucrative

The salads and music

The song and dance

In the apartheid format of stupidity amongst lovers

Split by materialistic essences

More like an invite to a maul

The soul that reeks of hatred to the utter distraught of the stupid rock

That steals the sunlight to speak of its existence

It is like humans

Torrid and fake

Only to bring failure and fakery

Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Wane and wax

The moon has often seemed alive
Pity i for one cares not
For it may just be sojourn place
Where the minds of lovers meet
A place of unspeakable suffering
Such is the plight of disjoint lovers on moonlit nights
Often the light seems to strike pain
Often fear
And if you speak of beaches and a silvery sea
Know the moon may at best be a taunt
Towards the hearts of the million that are dead
And millions that live
The music it reeks is at best of a funeral band
For that is what it has seen to
When the veil of human foolishness is lifted
We feel only loneliness thereof
At best the moon is really
Is a stark metaphor
Of being the false hope
Like the catalyst that spews love
And then burns the hearts
Making them wilt


In the not so distant past
There was another that like I
Both were entwined
Until the wither
The wither of life
For as seasons, our togetherness and the sense thereof
For a bit, then for another
Yet forever
The felt and the feeling
Often shuffles
Yet all in the same deck at the fold
Like printed kings , queens and the prince
Such is all
And I am just another dealer
Never the gambler
I see them win or lose
I refuse to either
I sit and deal
As life passes on
Until the casino of life closes

Monday, 13 August 2018

What will I find there?
Asked the husky voiced megalomaniac of a girl
What is out there ?
I looked back
A beautiful lady stood there 8 years from now
And said
You will, what you will
And what of you
Don't you seek?
She persisted
I smiled at her and waved into the hall
I found these
I sought these
So all good here.

Sunday, 12 August 2018

DJ Mumbai

I hang by
beside cafe Mondegar
A touch away from Regal
One a place of friendship
The other too
It's noon,
The alley is loud
The crinkle of foil of the sandwichwala
The clunk of bracelets
The shimmer of anklets
The gleam of first copy glasses
Lovers glancing at each other
On their way
Stopping by the shops
For a bargain
Then there are those
Right turn from here
A little ahead is Alps
Limited seating
A college canteenish minimalistic place
Behind the Taj and near the Sea
I am just trying to look calm
Smoking a cigarette,
Worried of a maama
Who are known to appear randomly
The traffic is scant today
Says one
Yes, only a few hundred cars every minute
Then i think maybe its 120
Each is a pulse
That synchs with the heart
Like a DJ spinning tracks
This DJ is a her
Mumbai, DJ Mumbai

Monday, 16 July 2018


Where is your hair that brushes my face
In the gentle wind of a celing fan in the sunlit room
It spoils my sleep, tickles my face
Only to wake me up and make me watch you
As I am curled around you
Like a pepper vine on a coconut trunk
Maybe it is like Kerala
Where the heart is still
And you are stirring my soul
Floating into the ends of the universe
Timelessly .

A prayer of love

Tow me towards the harbour of faith
Can you my love
While the seas of my soul churn in dark waves
Incessant storms, crashing waves and eriee wails
They have pushed me away from the port,
I have no compass nor a map
Would you be the tiny tug boat
Drag me to dock
The waves lash furiously on my deck
I though seemingly a mighty freighter
Cannons and arrows abound
Have had no lessons in fear
Thus I am scared
These waters are like the soot of a dying flame
They mock me and crackle in devilish laughs
Yet if you tow me , as fearless as you are
You shall find me stopping your drift
As you fight through the foam and churn
I shall stand unstirred , with your lead
Tow me towards the harbour of faith
I want to watch you watch me dry my deck
Then set sail along
Into the beautiful orange hues
To the place where the sea merges with the sky.

Friday, 6 July 2018


Wherefore have I walked to
Sure is the end of the world
Or so it seems to be
For it is devoid
Of all I can even relate to
The human in me has died
Your embrace today was a resurrection
Yet your going was nothing short of a murder
By my own hands
Nothing by you
I as have always followed the universe
Let it yank me into existence
Bury me into oblivion
Yet feeding me life that seems nothing but auxiliary
And then I see your face in my eyes
Always there yet not mine
And I have no way to hold it back
If this is my torment so be it
For it does show me your presence randomly
Resurrecting me, killing me
in an endless cycle of pain and peace
I live for those glimpses
I exist for the torment .

Wednesday, 20 June 2018

Somedays it is just easy
Somedays things just cut loose
Other days it is nothing but a struggle
Pain follows the latter two
Like love
When easy , glazes the eyes
When rampant the heart is afraid
When restrained the heart begs
All I know is such is life
Like a bowel movement
Somedays easy
Other days not
Thank heavens for restrooms .

Monday, 4 June 2018


And between you or me
Is it all not but stardust
Yet so distinct
Our selves so apart
Maybe to long for each other
In this separate existence
Hoping to be crushed to dust
To spawn a new star.

Sunday, 3 June 2018


A fools such as me
Has wandered amongst the fields
Sat beneath the stars to endless nights
Sleep often overcame my arrogance
And yet what has found
The body was a shell that gazed
Traversed the mighty mountains and rivers
Only to recede back towards you
And then I saw you
Holding my soul
In your arms, keeping it warm
Awaiting my return
This shell
Only to now be embibed
With a soul you have found
Before me, of mine
Yet you believe I can compliment you

Until it has you

What is this 'you' love?
Nothing that I knew of?
My Worthless and unwarranted mind
Feels lost
For it tries to make sense
Where nothing like sense can
In Love
I beg to it let go
To flow into the stillness
Of calm that it has you
Until it has.

A call to Rumi

Love is but a gift
The one who brings it to your door
Forever can choose to absolve
But you the bearer can only accept or refuse
For if strength is to say
Stronger is to gift .

Thursday, 17 May 2018


In my own mind
Where you or me cease
to exist as each
Let it no longer remain
Let my own will tear
such an abhorrence
Of wilfull wanton cravings asunder
Set it alight,
warming my cold heart
Let me be the antagonist
And antagonize you no further
For this is my Ravenholm
And this Halflife has no episodes
Only headcrabs and zombies
For the Gordon Freeman in me
To murder to survive.

Ref: halflife 2.
By valve studios

Monday, 7 May 2018

It is but a prayer my soul
Let me curl and sleep
As i bleed from the soul
Worthless and unwanted
Let me be, please let me be
You have enacted all you want
And as souls go, you feel nothing
Yet I have to live your outcomes
Be tormented and subjected to depravity
So while you relish and feast on your joys
Let me gather my wits and strength
For you to destroy it over again
Please allow me to withstand your hatred
For you hate me, and I cannot exist sans you
Yet you and me are distinct
You are of fun and momentary distractions
And I am of gluttony for punishment
Let me sleep tonight


So "au revoir" my personal Chernobyl
Whilst I await the corium to burn through
Leach into my soul
As it poisons my life blood
Only one such as me could have let this come abound
Let it all out and some more
To tattoo you into my mind
A flash burn , of your image
Through my castle walls
In the metallic after taste
Where the walls of my heart
Burnt like graphite, glowing redder than blood
Fell back
Into the love and feelings
And worst mix with my fears and my own insecurity
Between the preplexes of knowing and not
Wanting and avoidance
Only to weave a cloud of dust
Cesium and all
Into a forest of deathly echoes
To be in torment
For tormenting you

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Let me smell your hair
The gentle smell of your perfume
As you sweat
The salty gentle allure of your skin
Making my wild self tame
Like a wandering wolf in winter
Let it be quenched by your brow
As my hands feel your skin
I fear they may engulf me in flames
Of passion, mad wild fire
Like your thoughts burn my soul
In love and lust
And as you kiss
Let me dissolve
Into nothingness as you remake me
In the image of your darkest desires

Friday, 20 April 2018

Broken dreams and shards of glass
It is but a painful path
Where I seem to walk again
But I should not says my mind
But the mind is as daft
For to wilt and weep
Is a life too
Better than to be so cold
To breathe out fog and gather frost
I choose not torment
I choose neither to be lost
Yet i just float
Away from hinges that hold me strong
Into the storm of her voice
That warns me to hold back
I am a fool , as fools go
I drift along this broken path
When and if my world burns
I shall have none to blame for my plight
It shall only be me
As my embers fly into the starry night

I don't want to fall in love
For you shall not
And as the one sided knife shall cut through
It would pause and slow down
Severing each of my nerve
Like a thorn deeply lodged in my throat
You shall only gnaw
While with each breath i will hurt
Wishing for it to be my last
But then you shall arrive at the 11th hour
Make me want to breathe
As it hurts, you will breathe into me
And I a fool shall only oblige
For the walls of my fortress
Are broken through
While you may gather you and leave
I shall be the the one
Walking bare feet on my broken heart
Bleeding yet never cursing
Maybe it is a chance
For the universe to punish me
For I never did swim along it's tide
Forever against
As the sun has its last laugh
I shall curl into my haunches
Wait for the tormenting  moon to fade
You may bring forth a gentle breeze
But that may only hurt my wounds
And the rubied blood all around
Shall reflect you to taunt me further

Let the fingers trace your flaming skin
And pull you closer
As i hear your warm breath
Let it melt my frozen soul
And as it melts, let me stare
Into the storm of your eyes
As you lean in
Let me touch , trace the edges of those lips
Watch you close your eyes
When your breath deepens
Let me breathe you
While i hold you to me ,
folding you into the soul
Let me taste your lips,
Draw them and caress each with both of mine
As my tongue
Searches for each groove and curve
Taste your tongue , embrace it with mine
Running my hands pulling you closer
As i run out of breath
As you breathe into me

Thursday, 19 April 2018


That fly into the night sky
That is all that seems to be breathing
For neither I nor me want to glow bright
As often, it is again
It is a transendence
Yet more retrogressive
I won't fret
For you are a vanishing horizon
As I believed to be
There were no wars
Yet this is a bleed
As such the mind , forever a battlefield
For only the dead know the end of war
The living just seek to slay

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

To be but vexed

Spinning lies and flamboyance
It is but a calculated ignorance
I chose to be in, or be pulled towards
To only be vexed
In the abysmal fakery of such pathos
Somewhere inside I woke and slept
Watched a dream where I dreamt me asleep
It is then I knew my folly
Wilful, resentful
My depravity and my decadence
I unlike forever took a leap
One of faith , one of fate
And in this tarnished mud bowl of a body
I am stilled
Peace, as I always imagined
Had reached out to me
And touched my soul


At a distance
Time is but a blur
In isolation it is but a foe, often a friend
In the self imposed prison of my mind
Time ceases to exist
At these crossroads I often speak to you
The words mean nothing
In this century it is white noise, earlier banter
Yet, I do
Senselessly , yet I do
While on the other side
You are
There is nothing that seems logical in this
Yet you try to make some sense of it
Of all those kind minutes you gave
Were laid to waste by this arrogance slave
It is but a facade, a charade, nothing else
And an apology needs to be made
So let me offer a bouquet of such
One for the platitudes
One for the hours
One for the missed morning sunlights
One for the the rupture of your routines
And so I step down from such transgressions
And fly back to my solemn self

Thursday, 5 April 2018

If I am to be Ulysses
Let the sails be carried
For the strongest of the winds
They do not faze me
But i bow to them gently
For they shall carry me to the shore
I on this endless ocean of possible wrecks and landings
Am nothing but a dependent
On a call and a fair wish
Of one I wish to sail towards
So come at me winds
Be fierce
Be wild
Howl like you shall rip my soul off my body
I shall stand at the deck
Watch the sails dance
Knowing you would draw me ashore

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Why does it feel
When your look into the lens
There is so much more
That your lips don't say
Yet I can feel your thoughts pinning me down
I can be an escapist
A mollusc an annelid
Yet I seek to not slide away nor slither
I stay to hear your soul
Foolish , maybe
Yet I believe
I am where I am needed
At this instance
Until I am not needed

How, one can only wonder
When, is a matter to ponder
When the day is at an end
And the night is at its onset
If to only wait
For even if a glimpse
To see her smile with those eyes
And watch her lips spin magic
In such cravings
I wait for the days to pass
Hoping for a chance encounter
Wishing , only if would be sooner than now
But until the universe chooses
I shall have to stand by

Monday, 19 March 2018

It wasn't to you
That I had called out to
It was me,
unlike to you , I often speak to me
For I am all and mad
Yet I am my own company
No frills, no facade
No pleasing no sugary words
No flowers or candy
No chocolate nor brandy
I always see me waiting
To hold me and speak to me
With you, I have to be someone
With me I can be me
Of all the universe's best possibilities
I relish finding me

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Assimilate, reimage, reshape
A generation unto another
Assembling their dreams and thoughts
Into sons and daughters
Some good at it, many terrible
Only to be ash
And for the cycle to
Some unable, some not wanting to
Yet most still contribute
As a guide
A dictator
A leader
A companion
Like a parent

Wednesday, 28 February 2018


Into the puddle
Little gumboots
Pink , bubblegum coloured
In a split second
Coated with asphalt and ruby red
Smeared across the fender
A strip of her pretty lace flutters in the wind
A moment of loudness
Followed by silence and screeches, burning brake pads
Reddened themselves as the pads grind the discs to a halt
Her mouth smells of booze
An all nighter of fun
Now as her soberiety kicks in
She picks up the bubblegum boots from the puddle
Reclining against the reddened tyres
Letting out a wail
Without a voice
While her shirt merges with the redness of the tyres
The same that runs deep
in her own veins too

Can we not cross this river? Asks the kid
Hold on tight,
in the moonlight, the other shore is not visible
Hop on my back son
Hold me as we swim
They swim into the river
As the splashes distort the gentle moon
They vanish midway
Morning appears
The river is as calm
Evening falls
The son asks again
Can we not cross the river father?
Hop on my back, hold tighter this time
They swim again
They vanish again
Morning appears
Then the evening falls
They say the father and son keep on trying
As they did those many years ago
Across this very river
Then a raging one, flooded in all its wrath
Since then the river has calmed
As if to let them pass
Yet they never can
For they never did
So every evening they try
Tonight again one can hear
Those words echo
Can we NOT cross this river father?
The wish was to not.
For the fear was too real
Both souls unknown of each others demise
Still try to negotiate

Saturday, 27 January 2018

Susceptible to root rot
When one stands on grounds
Often of a bog
Where old dead often surface
Only to invoke curiosity
Yet you can just stand
Amongst the peat
And the slush and slime
Forever lost
Irrelevantly, for being new
A species of a tree hardly relevant
For I am just another
Like many before
Irrelevant , regardless


Some days I miss you
For the air is still
Undisturbed by your vehement annoyances
Yet so welcome
Some days you drive me to the point of psychosis
Just by your impossible nature
Challenging me, burning and curdling my  blood
Yet those are the days I feel alive
In your absence the the blood freezes
My brain suffocates for a reprieve
Wanting to be disturbed
Wanting to breathe
Such is your presence my love
Unnerving, nerve wracking , yet one that livens
Towards an otherwise disconnected soul
You are my paradox
From my search for calm
Yet happily so
So eagerly as such
You make me believe I am alive
As I cuddle up to your sleepy form
I smell your hair
It is but my own childish form
My own soul , brought into being
By a universe that silently chuckles
Of having triumphed over my arrogance

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Into stardust

Stand still
Look beyond your point of view
Are those stars as they seem
Some dead long ago
In this vastness all that they are is light
Once passed , only to be a darkness
Some where lost as I am
Like your love for me
That has basked me , only to have faded
For as the observer believes its existence
You wanted it to be
Yet knowing it was all but a passing
Though between you and me
Do either exist anymore
We are stardust , all of us
While you hold on to the admirable socialistic dogma
I have been scattered
As I should have been
Into what may someday be a burning ember of a star
But know that, if you must
I would burn just as bright
Like every other
Past the red shift
Past the collapse
Of the red dwarf
To be one with the universe
As its entropy ends in chaos
As it has now, in a chain of permanence
So shall your dogmas and conservative thought

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Rustling leaves

In her yard
She rakes the leaves, sun dried, crispy, browned
It's summer
So she knows, from her yard covered by these
Yet she yearns for the spring
Which has passed
Often she stops, looks around to answer a calling
It's her name she hears
Yet unsure if it's her ears or years
Yet she does turn
I as always sit at the gate
Atop, in a hazy form , watching
As she turns around seeing no one
For the gone never call
Yet they may, but maybe they don't seem as audible, or at all
Maybe the heart has ears to a soul
Its dusk
The sun has reddened the skies
I sit regardless at the gate
Watch her go about her chores
Her wrinkly hands, putting things into place
And her beautiful greys
Flying in the evening wind
I would have floated along the breeze
Yet how impossible it is for a ghost to feel
So maybe the only solace is to sit
Watch her turn the lights out late night
Falling asleep .