Wednesday, 24 October 2018

A search of knives

Find me a date she said
One that compels me to run into his arms
Yet know, he of all things must care, consider and calm his head
Find me a lover like that
One who could brush away my hair
As you would
And stare gently at the curves of my smile
Tell me in a million words each day
How I make his life worthwhile
When I have a mind that blazes in anger
He holds me closer and makes me calm
Find me one like that
Let him converse to me in countless words
Of his day, his night his nightmares and dreams
Tell me he sees me in them all and more
Yet let him leave me be, should I seek absolute solace on terrible days
When I trip and fall, let his heart tumble
Panic yet maintain his balance and help me up
Find me this man
This is your task
Let him see me in all, let him know my scent like a wolf
Let him be overcome by hunger tenfold
Than mere mortals I have know all along
For you while are all that and some
You cannot be allowed in my world
Find that man for me
Find him

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