Tuesday, 4 December 2018

So be fine
For then winter sun rises late
bathes all of us in the warmest hues
It melts my soul
Makes me breathe
Realize I am alive again
Whilst I do ponder briefly on it
The nuances of its humility are evident
I have to swim along
The tides this universe has cast
The swell and the dip
Both seem to assimilate me
It is neither a shock or a lament
Of all if I am anything , it is in a trance
Intrepid and oblivious to the next
Like a smear of oil, scattering the colours
In a puddle of muddy water
Gently melt by the morning sun
In tiny rills,
I too traverse along the infinite vast
Into a direction best unknown to me and all
Stilled, devoid of feeling, a chance of skill
Not will
Unlike the puddle , that is gentle
Drift, adrift, gently amongst the torrid waves.

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