Friday 21 June 2024

Analysis and Paralysis

Fragility, is it now the norm of modern sensitivity where a man is indistinguishable from a woman
And to be labelled a misogynist is easy for someone uttering such, I am called so sometimes
For what? For asking someone to pick up after themselves, man or woman? These one sided charades of modern sensibility, or the lack of then; is to blame

I miss waiting on my mother's arrival to make me a serving of okra, I would have cooked rice already, I was a caring boy
Cooking is a life skill, not a gender appropriation and these complaints are laughable 
Of I am a woman who doesn't cook, nor clean, don't be in a life if you cannot 
The absurdity of cooking and cleaning being beneath is appalling 
Thus I laugh on these who consider such gender roles, treat these as Life Skills

So I ask you again, are you a man if you cannot cook and feed? Or a woman even? 
For life is not lived on an empty stomach and food that would remind us of why flavours exist
I would wish to be at the pots and pans of my kitchen all day, as I romance the spices
And clean up, to sit down for a meal with someone who wishes to share one with me.

## Line-by-Line Analysis:

**Line 1: Fragility, is it now the norm of modern sensitivity where a man is indistinguishable from a woman**

* The speaker introduces the concept of "fragility" and connects it to "modern sensitivity."
* They see this sensitivity as blurring the lines between masculinity and femininity.

**Line 2: And to be labelled a misogynist is easy for someone uttering such, I am called so sometimes**

* The speaker expresses frustration with being labeled a misogynist for expressing traditional views.
* They feel it's easy to be unfairly judged for simply having an opinion.

**Lines 3-4: For what? For asking someone to pick up after themselves, man or woman? These one sided charades of modern sensibility, or the lack of then; is to blame**

* The speaker clarifies their position. They're not against equality, but against a one-sided application of "modern sensibility."
* They see both a lack of responsibility and an oversensitivity at play.

**Lines 5-6: I miss waiting on my mother's arrival to make me a serving of okra, I would have cooked rice already, I was a caring boy**

* The speaker shares a positive memory of helping their mother in the kitchen, highlighting a traditional gender role they embraced.
* They emphasize their own willingness to contribute to domestic tasks.

**Line 7: Cooking is a life skill, not a gender appropriation and these complaints are laughable**

* The speaker argues that cooking is a necessary life skill, not something specific to one gender.
* They find complaints about "gender appropriation" in cooking to be ridiculous.

**Lines 8-9: Of I am a woman who doesn't cook, nor clean, don't be in a life if you cannot  
The absurdity of cooking and cleaning being beneath is appalling**

* The speaker expands their argument. If someone, regardless of gender, isn't willing to contribute to basic chores, they shouldn't be in a relationship.
* They find the idea of these tasks being "beneath" someone to be absurd.

**Line 10: Thus I laugh on these who consider such gender roles, treat these as Life Skills**

* The speaker emphasizes their stance. They scoff at the idea of viewing traditional gender roles as limitations, instead seeing them as valuable life skills.

**Lines 11-12: So I ask you again, are you a man if you cannot cook and feed? Or a woman even?**

* The speaker challenges the idea of masculinity and femininity being defined by domestic tasks. 
* They question if someone who can't contribute to basic needs can truly embody their gender identity.

**Lines 13-14: For life is not lived on an empty stomach and food that would remind us of why flavours exist**

* The speaker shifts the focus back to the fundamental importance of food and the joy it brings.
* They see cooking not just as a chore, but as a way to experience and appreciate life's pleasures.

**Lines 15-16: I would wish to be at the pots and pans of my kitchen all day, as I romance the spices  
And clean up, to sit down for a meal with someone who wishes to share one with me.**

* The speaker expresses a personal desire to cook and share a meal with someone who appreciates it.
* They paint a picture of cooking and cleaning as acts of love and connection.

## Overall Analysis:

This poem explores the concept of gender roles in the context of "modern sensitivity." The speaker feels that an overemphasis on sensitivity can lead to a blurring of traditional roles and a devaluation of essential life skills like cooking and cleaning. They argue that these skills are important for everyone, regardless of gender, and contribute to a fulfilling life and meaningful connections. 

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