Saturday, 10 June 2023

Darkness to dim lights

Seven seconds, per floor on weekend nights
Is how this moves, you can hear the silent hum
As the motor plunges me thirty floors down
It's late night, and a Saturday to boot
My heart is racing to rush towards the bus stop
Yet these floors seem endless, over a hundred
I start to count around seventy, it decreases 
Incrementally, yet anxiety grows inversely
Sometime between fourty and thirty eight
I doze off inna short seven second nap
Yet I watch whole movie length episodes
Of escapades and engagement, you or else
I shake my head, the elevator slides deeper
While it suddenly loses power, at the last floor
I see a wall where the door was, I am stuck
I panic, you are awake, mostly, waiting to eat
Dinner, that I need to cook, but how now!, how?
I think, i should've cooked in the morning 
Nothing is predictable, I ease up, lean against
The elevator emergency power flickers bulbs
I land, wake up, in bed, spoon you and sleep 

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