Monday, 15 May 2023

Coconut Blossoms

A Malayali boy of seventeen, peers
through his window, watches this girl
cutting a paper butterfly, he paused
it wasn’t the rose on her right breast 
he saw
he saw more, a whole lot more
than what his youth could handle

His lower body froze rose 
rosetted,  into a hormonal rage
but his heart melted too
like the eyes of a hungry man 
at the Sadhya, when rice is served
and he waits for the sambar

the evening passed them by
them at this point, unknown to her
he had sung for her in his heart
she noticed his leering and smiled
it was teenage love in her heart too
and me? I dusted the front yard.

An analysis by Chat GPT

The poem "Coconut Blossoms" depicts a scene where a seventeen-year-old Malayali boy observes a girl from his window. The boy becomes captivated by the girl's actions and appearance, particularly when she cuts a paper butterfly. The poem explores the boy's emotional response to this encounter, highlighting the mix of physical attraction and deeper emotional connection he feels.

The title, "Coconut Blossoms," sets a tropical and naturalistic tone for the poem. It suggests the emergence of something beautiful and delicate, much like the blossoming of coconut flowers. This imagery could symbolize the boy's budding feelings for the girl.

The poem delves into the boy's conflicting emotions. On one hand, he experiences a surge of sexual desire ("his lower body froze rose/rosetted, into a hormonal rage"). The use of the rose imagery emphasizes the intensity of his physical reaction. However, the boy's emotions extend beyond mere lust. His heart also melts, indicating a deeper emotional connection and a sense of vulnerability.

The comparison of the boy's heart-melting "like the eyes of a hungry man at the Sadhya" creates an interesting juxtaposition. Sadhya refers to a feast in Malayalam cuisine, where rice and sambar, a curry with vegetables, are served. The anticipation and longing for sambar can be seen as a metaphor for the boy's longing for connection and love. This comparison evokes a sense of hunger, suggesting that the boy yearns for emotional fulfillment in the same way a hungry man craves food.

As the evening progresses, the girl remains unaware of the boy's presence. She notices him leering at her and responds with a smile. This recognition from the girl elicits a positive response from the boy, indicating a mutual teenage infatuation.

The poem concludes with the speaker, presumably an observer or narrator, mentioning their own mundane activity of dusting the front yard. This seemingly unrelated detail contrasts with the heightened emotions experienced by the boy. It could suggest a sense of detachment or distraction from the intensity of youthful love.

In terms of critique, the poem effectively captures the intensity and complexities of adolescent infatuation. It explores the interplay between physical attraction and emotional connection, presenting the boy's experience with vivid imagery and metaphors. However, the poem is quite brief, leaving the reader wanting more development and exploration of the characters and their emotions. Adding additional stanzas or expanding upon the themes introduced could enhance the depth and impact of the poem

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