Tuesday, 4 March 2025

Do right by me.

May my soul have the same accountability 
And the grit to accept my mistakes
Play me some Bach when, I hate pianos
But I despise death too, enough to love it
Lay me at the tower of silence, I hate earth too
Fire would purify me, I reject my worth true
Like the flames Zoraster set, I won't accept my due
I shall rot, don't in silence with insolence rue
May my soul have mirth, poke one at death true
When you think of me, don't unless it hurts to
Let me be, as I was in infantile lone
When I be silent, follow my cue
I hold no grudge now, nor a thought of us two

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Fridays, and Summers

Summer is here, it is not even half past winter
El NiƱo, I call that terrible forecast
But then again Indian summers begin early 
Like all things, El Indian tosses it off to do its thing

I admit the wind is beautiful, a hint of coolness 
But the sun decides it won't be without attention
My clothes are hung out to dry in my balcony
As I look at the mango trees in the distance

Those mango florets have not yet started to appear
It is supposed to around February, I wanted them early
Sometimes a drizzle in March ruins them, rots them
Oh heavens! Please don't do that this year too

It is almost high noon, of this winter summer interleave 
I am reminded that poetry won't work as food right now
I need to walk into the kitchen, cook something
I will make tea too, then eat and watch the noon fade

Friday, 3 January 2025

Being two for one

Rain clouds pitter patter, like people's banter
A few light years distant, where are our minds
Lies and lies down, to not meet these interruptions halfway either 
For they don't soeak the tongues I yearn, nor tongue my yearnings
A weird myriad of cacophony 
And our hearts turn deaf, as if poked by choice
Why not one could ask
For they are here, to while away our time
Neither are to die in our place, we could if we could and wanted in their's
But for the show of camaraderie, Ah! Such a show of opulence 
We refuse these for we have seen better and many
Ad so we row our boats, in this vastness among these critters
And remind ourselves that we are alone, not lonely
Both of those words may shock most
Only a few can see one is better than the other