Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Dear Soul, be a lamp.

My dear soul, don't worry
Be like the lamp
For a lamp has no qualms
It is what it remains, in light or dark

Burn bright and fade
Into smoke and lamp black
Let the oil that has fed your flame
Dry as the blacksmith's anvil

Once you have faded,
Look around
All you see is darkness
Yet you kept it away, in futility

The ones you kept warm, comforted
Shall fade to black, and be in remorse
For they know not what you gave
For they want not to know

Let your flame flicker
But burn bright, fierce, and strong
Light up the room, regardless
Draw the moths, in your songs.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

Bright summers
Bring better views
For pictures, flowers, 
And her eyes' allure
Like absolute storms
Like lightning 
amongst the rain laden clouds
The arches of her eye brows
Who wouldn't stare
Without a moment to lose
Like all mortal men
Transfixed and stilled
Bewitched and willing
Who am I to argue
Am mortal too

Friday, 19 February 2021

मैं नही जाना, यमुना तट

मैं नही जाना, यमुना किनारे
कहते है वहां है विरह राग
साल बीते कई, 
मैं क्या, तट भी व्याकुल बसे हैं

जल भी प्यासा
तट के पेड़ो में न फल
न फूल न पंछी
यमुना बने है मरुस्थल 

पत्र न, छाया
बसंत भी आया
क्या लाया, न झूला न नाचे मयूर
यमुना सी मेरे नयन की धारा

मैं नही जाना, यमुना तट
मेरा सब तो वहीं बीता
अब न कान्हा, न मुरलीधुन
केवल विरह, और बहते नयन

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Dusky Beauty

Dusk arrives
Or is it what the mind sees
Maybe its noon
One cannot be sure
For in gaze of those dark eyes
Colours melt, daylight fades
Stars blink, the sun mellows
What else could we call this
Other than dusk


In a weave 
Blue, white, and black
Spinning a spell
Casting it in a glance
Sitting in the wind
Smiling back
A dash of red
A shade of fresh wheat
Even the colours seem fragrant
What if the tresses sway
Will the fragrant flowers burn
In what seems like a rendition of flame
Or shall they gently fill the senses
Like oudh burnt
In the long halls of castles
From times gone by

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

random crappy poem

Single cells can't be intelligent
For they die too soon
Or die too easy
Unlike multi cellular beings
Who break and mend
Learn and thrive

Why so? one may ask
The thought has merit
The thought means thinking
Unlike predictions of grandeur
Or God's will postulates
For there is a quest to know

Single cells live and die
Before hurt and joy can teach them much
Much alike a mind in in longing
Where anything of pain is magnified
Killing it with meagre reasons.

Friday, 12 February 2021


मैं लिख दूं हमारे लिए
कुछ शब्द प्रेम से लदे 
पर तुम उसको पढ़कर हस देना
वो हँसने की धुन ही सही
लेकर के चल दूंगा ।

मेरा क्या है, क्यों है मीरा?
कान्हा कौन है, क्या है मेरा?
जो उस एकलौती छिड़ी तार न पा सकी
मैं तो हूँ प्रेम गीत से बेहरा
मैं न पाना चाहूं, जो खोना।

क्या तुम जान पाए 
क्या तुम समझ पाए
लेकिन 'हम' सोच समझ पाए इस मृगतृष्णा में
अपने आपको तुम बना गया
तुम मैं बन गए।

बरबरीक तो हम बन गए
इस प्रेम के कुरुक्षेत्र के
मिला क्या , न तुम्हे, न मुझे
मिल पाएं क्या, हम तो बुझ गए
प्रीत ही अंत है, शुरुआत भी ।

सो कहे मीरा
न करो प्रेम, जो न संभाल पाएं
न बन मैं, मैं तो रह गयी दरस की आस में
तू न बन मीरा
पा ले आप को, प्रीत यही है।

Sunday, 7 February 2021

न कान्हा बन, न बन मीरा

सब तो देख तू चल दिया
पर क्या ले, क्या दे गया 
मैं तो न था यहां , तू भी नही
पर तु सोच रह गया मैं, तुम
 हम , वहां , यहां, आज, कल
अब तू पूछे क्या मैं मीरा बन बैठूँ
यहां न मैं कान्हा, न तो तेरे पास इकतारा
मैं आया, जब बुलावा था
अब न तू, न तेरा बुलावा
जैसे मरुस्थल, न पानी, न जीव
मैं तो वहीं, मैं भी वही
जहां तू आखरी बार छोड़ आया
सब तो देख तू चल दिया
पर क्या ले, क्या दे गया 
मीरा ने बन, न मैं बन जाऊं
कान्हा न बनु, न तू बन
दोनो तो न मिले कभी
मैं तो मिला, तू चल दिया।

Thursday, 4 February 2021

Failure to Introspect

Poems don't spring from sadness
Nor do they spring from loss
They are just fleeting thoughts
Or so are mine, maybe not yours
To each, his own
To eat, his own
To keep, his own
To weep, his own
Yet are these of value?
True? Real? Honest?
Or is it a facade, 
Of our dilemmas and dogmas
Where one can love, one can lie so
Where one can make love, one can lie so
Where one can feel, the other can choose to not
Where one can miss, the other can ignore 
These are but human
Only human
Or have we as a species lost the essence
Of what makes us ?
Poems don't spring from sadness
Nor from loss
They are a poet's pretenciousness 
Singing to the world, hiding his wails.
You can read their words and postulate
Hypothesize, critique, pander to, romanticize 
But you can never try to read the person
Behind those lines
I have tried, and I have failed