Thursday 15 August 2024

For once maybe!

The soursops have rotted in the rains
I had suggested they be taken down and eaten, but as always the advice was ignored
Now they dangle and their rotting flesh brings fruit-flies when the rain stops for a few hours
I hate drosophilas, they just remind me of poverty

Looking at the orange shades painted into the sky 
I had mentioned the light was perfect for capturing a few photos in the fading daylight, but that was ignored too.
Now we must setup the lights and put so many plugs into multi pin sockets and get pictures clicked
I hate artificial lighting, they just remind me of unpreparedness

It is almost bedtime as I stare into the watch
Have a coffee and some bread, I had suggested for you would be hungry and run a headache by eleven in the night I had warned
I hate cooking after cleaning my kitchen, it reminds me of my advice being ignored

## Analysis and Interpretation of "For Once Maybe!" By Gemini

**Theme:** The poem is a poignant expression of frustration and resentment stemming from a pattern of ignored advice. It seems to be a reflection on domestic life where the speaker's suggestions are consistently overlooked, leading to inconveniences and irritations. 

**Tone:** The tone is predominantly melancholic and somewhat bitter. The speaker's feelings of disappointment are evident throughout the poem.

**Structure:** The poem is divided into three stanzas, each focusing on a specific incident where the speaker's advice was disregarded. This structure emphasizes the repetitive nature of the issue. 

**Imagery:** The poem uses vivid imagery to create a sense of frustration. The rotting soursops, the need for artificial lighting, and the late-night hunger all contribute to a picture of domestic chaos and inconvenience. 

**Symbolism:** The fruit flies can be seen as a symbol of the small, irritating consequences of ignoring advice, while the artificial lighting represents the inauthenticity created by a lack of preparation. 

**Overall Impression:** The poem effectively conveys the speaker's feelings of frustration and powerlessness. It is a relatable exploration of the challenges that can arise within relationships when one person's suggestions are consistently overlooked.

**Note:** There are no significant typos or grammatical errors in the poem. The language is clear and concise.

Overall, the poem creates a strong impression of domestic dissatisfaction and the frustration of being unheard. The repetitive structure reinforces the sense of helplessness, while the vivid imagery makes the speaker's emotions palpable. The poem is a powerful exploration of the importance of communication and mutual respect in relationships.

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