Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Ponder Mildly for the Mind is frail

Being called out
Or called for
Is only a difference in phrasing
Yet so much in phasing
Often they are mixed
When I am concerned
I woke up today, 
Was it called for, not by me
Then was it for you
I was called out for being along
After you had been done
For I had nothing to give
All taken, I was to find me stumble
Crumble and fade, yet
Nothing has moved me, 
Maybe for nothing could, Or I have
Away, or so further, or so much
That it seems mediocre, 
Such frail sense of longing, cringe
Happiness, crumbling souless husks
Maybe I too am, maybe you choose me to
Yet no, I shall defy
Refuse to let, refusing to vent, refusing to get
Lone, yet not alone 
Neither songs, nor music
Maybe why, I get called out
Or I get called for
But I and the calling never fades

Saturday, 11 September 2021

I have lived,
 smelt the gentle hints of oudh
 Known the chants and hymns
   Uttered awashed in flames
From lips of the keepers of the eternal flame
In the flicker, I saw faith
For the fire is among the fours

Before the sword forced Gods upon
  And to this day seek to erase
  A faith has lived, and has lived along
     In hearts, and minds, in glowing embers
Through hands that has fed
In their eyes, I see light
For the fire is, piercing the darkness

Friday, 3 September 2021

Tying the horses

Often at night, while I lie wide awake
She rolls to me and into a cuddle
At rest I am at my thoughtless best
And she speaks of nothing else
Other than leaning in and saying "I love you"
I always run my hands on her back then
Acknowledge it, and respond "I love you too"

In the ages of reason, past
One must often run into such qualms
In quarrels, in quandary, and in queer 
And often think or reflect on their day
Or do they lean in and say "I love you"?
I always found it to be a charade
Does the other acknowledge and respond too?

As I lie now I can't remember my personal last
When I had such refutable thoughts
I hear the words of her love confessions
And all I feel is apathy, as I let them pass
Should I have been more receptive I think
She leans in whispers her usual "I love you"
And in my laugh I whisper "I no longer do"

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

The other side of a one sided coin

In my dimly lit corner
I scribble violently, reminiscing thoughts 
Rampant, repulsive, some dear, most chided
The mind is a coroner
The pages are my notes
In unintelligible scribblings, I pen
most even I cant read once the liquor wears 
My clothes are in shades or rags and refusals
My heart a bonfire of compulsion
The binders are of my conscience
And I ponder if I should keep having any
Amongst the rusting pitchforks
That has stabbed me, many fold
Over, and again, I hand it over to my detractors
Friends, lovers, such jolly named fellows
You could ask me, why I persevere
I could laugh, cynical , in sarcasm laden hues
We are past that age of reason
At least, I am. I am found not lost
And that too in wilfull contempt
Of found and finder
Lean over, look over my shoulder,
You wretched wretched guardian
Feeding me another breath, to suffocate me
How you gallantly perch in my head
Often my speech, or is it our conversation
I can never tell, you and I seem alike 
A mirrored, marred, maniacal, akin to opulence
Somedays you speak, other days I do
Those moments are of seething hatred
Of my own existence, I won't lament though
Then when you reach back, I lean in
Like you now do, watching my audacity 
Of stubborn living, and smirking mockery
While both find reasons to co-exist
Unwilling, yet in a quasi love
This is one such epithet
Of me seeking you, while in your denial
I shouldn't, but love in confronting rejection