Saturday, 15 August 2020


Let me just wander
Not step on a land mine
Nor munch on fruits
That explode and take away my tongue
Let me not have blood splattered
Mine or my food's
In places I hold sacred
Let me sit and mind myself
And not be bitched about to
On why your god has a bigger penis
On why you believe in a brand of peace
Let me worship what I wish
Let me have what I have had
Maybe shut off shit that hits my ears loud
From roof tops calling out to your lords
That being applicable to all my countrymen
Let me not have a tricolour wrapped corpse
Being mocked by porn watching rapists 
So called representatives of the people
'Vox populi', not when it is full of assholes
For 'Vox Dei' is from an unbiased heart.

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