Tuesday, 30 November 2021


I was twenty short, 
so I bargained
The seller needed twenty so she refused
In between us was a trivial disconnect
Of needing a twenty, 
and not having a twenty
I made a simpler deal
I moved to another shop,
 I bought the same
yet still the same
The difference was of perception
Not of being, but of demands
I just needed it, wasn't a want
but wants are a platitude
Only leading to irrelevance
Subsiding and rising
wasting and waning

Friday, 26 November 2021

Cashew Orchard

Have you walked into an orchard
Filled with cashew trees, ripened and ready
For the first timers, it is an olfactory overload
The smell, bewitching, and overwhelming
Pluck one, Red, shiny, seemingly innocuous
Wipe it on their sleeve, smell it and indulge
The first bite is tantalizing, sweet
The juice feels heavenly, then suddenly acrid
Only to test, bewildered by such mismatch
Of fragrance over tastes
Another bite before it is shunned.
With a promise to never again repeat
The second visit, ah! , Such is the folly of allure
The senses overwhelm, once again 
The heart calls for an adventure, doesn't it?
Another fruit, another bite, 
Astringent, acrid, the tongue awash in regret
Another promise broken and remade
Never to bite another one again
Third time's the charm, the mind thinks
For it is how the mind seeks toxicity
Another fruit, another bite
Yet this time the taste seems better, somehow
On the fourth, one shall finish that fruit
Let the gums drown in its juicy evil
Knowing full well, knowing it's not a choice
Yet one goes through more than one
How much is a heart unlike this, tidally locked
Forever pulled, into wanton cravings
Of love and relationships, knowing its fall
Yet we gnaw on such cashew fruits
Over and over, for the nose leads
While common sense fades

Saturday, 20 November 2021

Crash bang bandicoot

I was steering, while veering
I was a few bolts loose
And on greaseless bearings
In the squeaking cacophony 
Of the rumbling pistons and valves
The dashboard rattling, 
While the clutch was creaking
You stood in my path
I rushed through, 
With failed brakes, and a failing transmission
Deflating tyres and a dangling windscreen
As I grazed you, I bit my lip
I sighed
It was at best a vent of vehement hate
For having missed my impending plunge
Having turned to avoid
As I rolled, breaking my roll cage
Crushing the body, grazing my skin
Akin to loving you
Where the soul feels the same

Thursday, 18 November 2021

A stitch here and there

I have often written, of your transgressions
Yet I have often forgotten what made you do
It is not mine, to pin the blame on you
It is your nature, you are a whirlwind
Spinning in your own directions
Gathering grime and dust
Only to chance decorate 
One who shall be swept in by you
I seek not to antagonise, nor paint you in dark
For you remind me of what bright was
Yet today, when the heaving ocean sparkled
I remembered, how you had muddied its water
Is it you who swept across 
Or was it the currents that drew you within
There is no one to blame, not you, not me
For we are in a paradox, entangled in reality
When; this time, and if you shall arrive
Leave alone my garden, for the leaves are frail
They haven't learnt to bear, for they wither easy
Knowing you, you can never stop
Knowing that, I have learnt to sew
Stitching my 'torn to asunder' heart

Saturday, 13 November 2021

Kintsugi'd heart

Tread mildly, on gentle footing
Many a souls lay beneath your landing
While the red now seems persistent, 
It has often been a shade of cold blue
The arrival of you brings thawing 
And with it a glimmer, and a warning
My cynicism never is far behind, 
For matters of this fragile heart
Often have I seen such thaw and freeze
leaving me in utter shudder and unease
Mulled into outlandish permanence
Only to be rudely awakened
So if this arrival of you is brief
And you shall like all at some oddity leave
Walk forth, gently and let me guide you
Out of this maze of my kintsukuroi'd heart