Monday, 18 July 2016

Only if you were real
Like your thoughts seem to be
And all that could
Seem to have evaded my memories
Barring you
And your youthful touch

Hold me in your arms
Let the dew dry
And the flowers wilt
The trees , let them die

I long for your kiss

But is that such a wandering!
Must be , maybe not as much
In and amongst the fog
the brook and the howling valleys

I remember
Like yesterday
Like a vagabond, have I searched
And when i found
I found
What i found, was not as you
As you were

Yet your strawberry lips
Call me,
Remind me of the sweetness of your kiss
Of your caress
And your eye lashes on mine

Dark, yet bright like a thousand suns
When it shall be compared to my heart
Would you be here?
Amongst the infinite

All along the sandy shore
Where you and the waves lash
Or not, in the crimson dome

I miss the sweet taste of your skin
Like a million sparkles of tangerine
And those eyes
Calling me
Alluring me, to breach my advocacy

Of right and wrong that you compell me to evade
Only to mock
Yet i follow
In thoughts of you
Some pure some pure lust
Of longing and lone

What shall you choose
My heart or my soul
The heart you froze
The soul you made me sell
To the devil for a glimpse of you

I am Consumed
In your wanton lust and longing
Ridiculed by my own
One and all, yet i stray to you

Only , to know
Blue is another
So is red
Yellow and orange are persistent
And await to die

Sunday, 10 July 2016


Let me describe your voice
Maybe I cannot
It feels like a call to a million thoughts
All at once
Only pleasant ones
Yet the thoughts stop sudden
As we go about our bits
And all I am left with
Is a loud silence and emptiness
Yet knowing this distance
If all but wanted
It is the first of many journeys
Which you will need to undertake
If my voice reaches you; know
I ask not to be missed
I want you to see me
Sitting at a corner , watching you
As does your thoughts
They do unto me
And knowing neither of us are alone
Not devoid of our love
Makes me
Makes you
Makes us.